Is Divorce the Right Option For You?
Meeting all your legal needs
The decision to divorce your spouse is one that will change your life in many ways. If you have kids, even more changes are on the horizon. Divorce is not a decision that should be made on a whim, nor is it a decision that is easy to make.
No one goes in to a marriage thinking it will end, but not all marriages work out. If the relationship is truly unhealthy, divorce is probably the best decision. But, how do you know if divorce is right for you? We’ve put together a list of questions to ask yourself if you’re considering a divorce that might make the right decision a little more clear.
Have You Dealt With the Emotions Associated With Divorce?
Divorce tends to invoke some fierce emotions. Even if you’re the spouse holding the divorce papers you’re still dealing with the pain, guilt, anger, and confusion that comes along with the decision. It’s important to ask yourself if you’re ready to handle the emotional rollercoaster you’re about to board because after filing for divorce there will be important issues to address. The divorce process is better with a level head and sureness in the decision made to end the marriage.
Have You Done Your Divorce Homework?
Similar to brands of cereal in the grocery store, there are a variety of choices available for you and your ex-spouse to attain a divorce. There’s fault and no-fault divorce, there’s collaborative divorce, there’s an uncontested divorce, and some more. Some involve trips to court; others take some extra planning and negotiating. Before you decide on your divorce, do your research on the types of divorce and speak with an experienced divorce lawyer.
Are You Ready to Shift in to the New Roles That Your Post-divorce Life Might Bring?
When your spouse is gone for good, you might have to take on some extra responsibilities. If you’re left with the kids, you might have to take on two parenting roles. In addition, you’ll have to work with your ex-spouse to develop an effective co-parenting plan. If your ex-spouse was the main provider, you might have to get a job or work more hours in order to keep a roof over your own head.
Ultimately, the only person who can make the best decision regarding divorce is you — no matter how many questions you ask yourself, if you still believe that divorce is the best decision for the health of your family then it just might be.
Photo Credit: Marco Arment via Compfight cc
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